Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Our lovely homophonic translations

Well, here it is:

Hand this cue, crack, hats, rugs- deal my trail
Sniff went out ledger part of infamy do seal blue;
Checks are late, overt praise do-rickie less real,
See relentless battle ons in mass stands left you;
Hand this june, Felip oh vent a bleb
Eat fate decent mini herds whole mess;
Paw rest smores stands let, stands let her be, stands to joy,
Nature ot toy kiss, kiss omens sentiment!...
Lest undo quit ox in apes the masses
Yes a you tells a pen sins ox grands calluses door;
Key dance lever cement thersholds Anna send or tea,
Itsy revelry, grandest ram asses
Dance lang goose let her ant sues lure vex bonnet no air
Lude on it engross silly dance lure moucher!

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